Sunday 7 April 2013


So here I am! Again... Returning to this little space.  I know I said last time that I was returning, but gosh it is so hard to find the time to make it here ( I always get stuck reading everyone else's and think I will never have anything interesting to share!).
It is one of my new years resolutions for 2013, to write consistently on my blog. Over the years, I've started then neglected and then deleted, I think this is why this blog is different. It is a blog that has been hanging here for a little while now, that I know I can always come back to.
The real reason I want to start a blog is to write, and share what I am up to, to appreciate the little things in life and I hope (oh so hope) that I can stick to my plan here and make the time to post a little something exciting that pops into my life.

Below I have posted some little pictures :) a few of the little moments in my life at the moment.

1. A lovely thrifting adventure
2. Some ducks down by the junction of the Murray and darling rivers
3. A delightfully innocent story of an imaginary friend who lost his owner ( and some beautiful dried lavender from a road side store)
4. A beautiful bunch of fresh roses that smell just divine ( also from a roadside stall)

Xx wishing you lovely adventures too!

P.S You can always follow me on Instagram for my daily adventures (@gabriellacorrigan)  :) xx

Sunday 24 February 2013

The Return

I have returned to this treasured little space on this big wide world of cyber space.
To say it has been a little while would of course be an understatement.

Recently I have been just floating along looking for inspiration and myself in every space possible. So, sitting here in the airport terminal seemed an appropriate time to adventure back into my online space.

Over the last few months I have been reading and viewing, really defining my style and where I am going. My passion for uniqueness has thrived through my sewing creation of clothes and I am forever on the lookout for the perfect piece of material or the little quirky accessory to tie into an outfit.

I hope I get to use this space more as I feel a more creative me come to fruition.

Stay safe and speak soon.